Dropped 100.0% of messages so far
When i launch hector_exploration_planner, node and costmap with obstacle layer, subcribed on lazer, there is a warning:
[WARN] Messagefilter [target = map lazer]: Dropped 100.0% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
Edit 0: rqt_logger_level:(hector_exploration_node -> ros.costmap_2d.massage_filter -> DEBUG) (There isn't message.notifier)
[DEBUG]: MessageFilter [target=map lazer]: Added message in frame lazer at the time 1436512433.911, count now 50 [DEBUG] Messagefilter [target=map lazer]: Removed oldest message because buffer is full, count now 50 (frame_is=lazer, stamp = ...)
Edit 1 I found this situation here, but i run laser via hokuyo_node and i don't know, how change stamp in laser message without changing code
Have you tried setting the rosconsole logger to debug, as the message suggests? (use rqt_logger_level)
It seems all is well
Did you reach a solution here? What is the difference between the target having only one string to the right of the equals sign and when it has two? Contrast this post to here