motoman controller timeout
We are using a Motoman sda10f dual-arm robot. When attempting to move either arm to a target pose, we get a timeout error: "Controller is taking to long to execute trajectory..."
The trajectory otherwise seems to be executing as expected. Changing the rosparam 'allowed_execution_duration_scaling' does not fix the problem.
Have you tried setting " ~/execution_duration_monitoring" to false (before the system is launched)? Does the motion actually occur? What node is producing the log message you mentioned?
That seems to have solved the problem. For the record, the motion was occurring but would stop after a few seconds before completing.
Did you have the speed override at a setting lower than 100%? ROS (or more precisely, MoveIt) plans at 100%, so if the robot is not at 100%, the trajectory will take longer to execute, causing the error you posted.
In case you missed the topic: How do I disable execution_duration_monitoring ?