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imu and pid controller using rosserial

asked 2014-12-25 10:30:32 -0500

cty11002 gravatar image

It is just a general question. I'm new to this so from what I understand so far, we can only make one node for one arduino. So it is either a listener or talker. So I'm wondering if it is possible to write a pid controller code which uses data from an IMU, and use the controller in some functions(a function that makes robot move forward, a function that makes the robot spin, etc) and have arduino listen to a command, and it chooses which function to use based on that command?

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-12-25 22:05:18 -0500

updated 2015-01-30 16:59:04 -0500

That is totally possible but you are right about it being only one node. However, rosserial can allow for multiple publishers (talkers) and subscribers (listeners) so it shouldn't be an issue. The maximum depends on the actual micro-controller. Are the IMU and controller on the Arduino?

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Thanks for answering. Yes, so IMU and four motors are connected to the Arduino and the controller is written in the sketch. But the Arduino doesn't need to publish IMU data, it only needs to listen to the command by user (or some decision making algorithm) and change motor speed based on the command

cty11002 gravatar image cty11002  ( 2014-12-25 23:18:08 -0500 )edit

I've done something similar here if you want to take a look.

tonybaltovski gravatar image tonybaltovski  ( 2014-12-26 11:24:30 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2014-12-25 10:30:32 -0500

Seen: 776 times

Last updated: Jan 30 '15