laser scan to occupancy grid using costmap_2d [new user]
Hi all,
Acording to it takes in sensor data from the world and builds a 2D occupancy grid of the data. I have a published topic: /scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan) and I want to use costmap_2d to provide a current occupancy grid. (sensor data --> [2d costmap] --> 2d occupancy grid)
But the same reference ( ) says:
- Subscribed Topics:
- /footprint (geometry_msgs/Polygon)
- Published Topics:
- /grid (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
- /grid_updates (nav_msgs/OccupancyGridUpdate)
- /voxel_grid (costmap_2d/VoxelGrid)
It seems the costmap_2d doesn't subscribe the (sensor_msgs/LaserScan) that I have it published. The only subscribed topic for costmap_2d is: /footprint (geometry_msgs/Polygon). What should I do to have /scan topic subscribed to costmap_2d node? (I'm trying to use standalone costmap_2d node)