collada_urdf error: No name given for the robot
I am using the latest Diamondback debs and the latest orrosplanning stack from SVN. I am trying to view a Collada file in RViz using the instructions found here. When I run the command:
$ roslaunch orrosplanning collada_rviz_display.launch model:=my_collada_file.dae
I get the following messages and ERROR:
process[collada_joint_publisher-1]: started with pid [12460]
process[rviz-2]: started with pid [12461]
[ INFO] [1311537409.715739024]: Loading general config from [/home/patrick/.rviz/config]
[ INFO] [1311537409.716240542]: Loading display config from [/home/patrick/.rviz/display_config]
[ERROR] [1311537410.519508816]: No name given for the robot.
[ERROR] [1311537410.596324365]: No name given for the robot.
The robot model shows up fine in the OpenRAVE viewer that opens, but not in RViz. I have tried it with several different Collada files found in the collada_robots package all with the same result.