OpenNI: "Save calibration to file failed: This operation is invalid!"
Hi everyone,
I've been trying to use the SaveCalibrationDataToFile function in OpenNI but so far, it hasn't been going so well. When I try to call it, it returns a
Save calibration to file failed: This operation is invalid!
Here's the few lines of code:
if (g_UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().IsCalibrated(nId)){
XnStatus nRetVal = g_UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().SaveCalibrationDataToFile(nId, calib.bin);
if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK)
printf("Save calibration to file failed: %s\n", xnGetStatusString(nRetVal));
I also downloaded someone else's calibration file and tried to load it, but it yielded the same "operation is invalid" message. Anyone have any clues?
Update: I tried installing ROS and OpenNI via source in order to use the newest version, but it still displays the horrid and vague "invalid" message.
Update2: I installed the latest unstable version of OpenNI and SaveCalibrationDataToFile works! For anyone who wants to do that, will prove to be very useful