nao joints [closed]

asked 2014-04-17 00:07:03 -0500

Dante gravatar image

updated 2014-04-17 01:05:58 -0500


i want to transform human joints to nao joints, but i dont know how. At the moment the shoulder of nao pitches only from 0 to 130 degree. i work with vecotrs and use formula cos(alpha)=(ab)/(|a||b|), so i get the r_shoulder_pitch_human and r_shoulder_roll_human. I know that the human joints are this

            float pitch_min = 0.3;
    float pitch_max = 2.7;
    float pitch_range = pitch_max - pitch_min;

    float yaw_min = -1.1;
    float yaw_max = 1.8;
    float yaw_range = yaw_max - yaw_min;

    float roll_min = 0.2;
    float roll_max = 2.4;
    float roll_range = roll_max - roll_min;

    float nao_pitch_max = 2.0857;
    float nao_pitch_min = -2.0857;
    float nao_pitch_range = nao_pitch_max - nao_pitch_min;

    float nao_roll_max = 0.3142;
    float nao_roll_min = -1.3265;
    float nao_roll_range = nao_roll_max - nao_roll_min;

I think i need a gain. How i can transform it

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant. Please see for more details. by tfoote
close date 2015-11-02 01:23:21.226219


This does not appear to be ROS related.

tfoote gravatar image tfoote  ( 2015-11-02 01:23:15 -0500 )edit