Turtlebot electric service does not start properly
I am running electric on my turtlebot, and when the turtlebot laptop boots up, the turtlebot service starts, but the dashboard remains grey, with no input from the turtlebot. The only way I can get the turtlebot to do something is to stop the service and roslaunch something like minimal.launch or the teleoperation stack. Any ideas as to why the service might not be doing anything at the beginning? I have tried waiting up to 15 minutes for it to start up properly, with no results. Restarting the service does not work either, it just produces the same stale result on the dashboard. This is a followup to this post: http://answers.ros.org/question/3743/turtlebot-restarting-continuously which I thought fixed my problems, but I have not been able to duplicate the result of electric starting the turtlebot correctly after that initial success.
The problem still exists, and this is my current launch file:
<param name="turtlebot_node/gyro_scale_correction" value="1.0"/>
<param name="turtlebot_node/odom_angular_scale_correction" value="1.0"/>
<include file="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/minimal.launch">
<arg name="urdf_file" value="$(find xacro)/xacro.py '$(find turtlebot_arm_description)/urdf/arm.urdf.xacro'" />
okay.. can you check that nothing is wrong with the launch file in /etc/ros/electic
I have updated the post.
I had the same problems with electric version. Diamondback is good. I reverted to diamondback and everything works fine.
Unfortunately I need electric for the arm that I am using :(
which version of electric are you using? is your wireless interface set properly? Do you see any errors in the dashboard?