Rosserial UNO lost sync
Hi, I seem to be having alot of problems using my arduino's to interface with ROS.. I first tried with a duemilanove which worked for the tutorials but seemed to have problems with buffer size or something on my own sketch(losing sync)..
Then I tried a Mega that I have and that solved my lost sync issues but for some reason when it would run for awhile(I have setup the navigation stack) it would crash saying the rosserial process has died.. Frustrated with that I thought I would try a UNO that I had recently purchased in case it was more stable.. Unfortunately with that one I am back to the lost sync issue and nothing I can do will allow it to work.. I have set it up to use 115200, 57600, etc and no joy.. This is just for the hello world tutorial..
BTW I am running Electric on 10.11 Ubuntu, all are just standard installs..
Hey @ahendrix, I'm using the UNO and keep getting a "lost sync..." message when I try to connect it to ROS using rosserial; can you elaborate on what extra steps need to be taken to make a /dev/ttyACMx connection work?