Best practice for rosdep, ubuntu packages, and others
As already discussed in question #2701, I am working on the release of the modular_cloud_matcher package.
This package depends on libnabo and libpointmatcher, for which I provide Ubuntu packages for the last 4 releases (from Lucid to Oneiric) on my PPA. As there is currently no way to tell rosdep to fetch packages from a PPA, in a previous discussion with Tully Foote we agreed that the user will have to install these packages by hand.
The question then is whether I should add these as package dependency in the rosdep.yaml, and if so, what to do with non-ubuntu systems. Should I provide a script that fetches the packages and "cmakes/makes/makes install" them? If so, is there a way to provide an "other" or "default" target in rosdep.yaml? Or should I leave these dependencies out and let the user install libnabo and libpointmatcher by hand?
I will be happy to hear your opinion on the best practice in this context. Thank you!