Checkout of packages into a catkin workspace
I try to create a catkin workspace and add some packages from git-repositories to it. the manual process seems straight forward:
mkdir my_ws; cd my_ws; mkdir src; catkin_make
source devel/setup.bash
cd src
git clone <pkg1>; git clone <pkg2>; ...
cd ..
I'm a bit confused on which tools to use in order to make this a bit more user friendly. I tried
mkdir my_ws; cd my_ws; mkdir src;
rosinstall -c src pkg_1_to_N.rosinstall
But rosinstall creates a top-level CMakeLists.txt file different from catkin_make and the subsequent build fails. If I call catkin_make once before rosinstall, the rosinstall command fails trying to overwrite the CMakeLists.txt file, as the existing one is a link to /opt/ros/hydro/...
It seems like wstool is a replacement for rosws. But I did not yet find an example of how to use it as a replacement for rosinstall.