No RViz log files present.

asked 2013-11-12 18:32:00 -0500

Peaches491 gravatar image

I have written a python program which generates and publishes a number of interactive markers to an interactive marker server. However, if I close and re-run this program, RViz crashes. I believe this has something to do with the republishing of the markers. If I "uncheck" the interactive marker display item before restarting my program, there are no issues.

When the program does crash, I am presented with the following error:

[rviz_TADesktop_15600_2160789004124072473-5] process has died [pid 15665, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/groovy/lib/rviz/rviz -d /home/peaches/groovy_workspace/wrecs/atlas_moveit/atlas_nohands_moveit_config/launch/moveit.rviz __name:=rviz_TADesktop_15600_2160789004124072473 __log:=/home/peaches/.ros/log/5fd93784-4c2a-11e3-9e17-001fd0d7dde2/rviz_TADesktop_15600_2160789004124072473-5.log].
log file: /home/peaches/.ros/log/5fd93784-4c2a-11e3-9e17-001fd0d7dde2/rviz_TADesktop_15600_2160789004124072473-5*.log

Unfortunately, the specified log files are non existent. It does not give me any more helpful information in the print out.

How can I find this log file so that I may troubleshoot the RViz crash?

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Not a direct answer to your question, but a datapoint: I have a similar setup to yours (tested on groovy&hydro), where I restart my interactive marker server w/o wanting to restart rviz. However, before my program exits it calls im_server.clear() and im_server.applyChanges(), and rviz doesn't crash.

lindzey gravatar image lindzey  ( 2013-11-13 07:57:18 -0500 )edit