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Help Hokuyo Laser

asked 2013-11-11 01:51:21 -0500

gennaro gravatar image

Hello everybody! I need help to configure Hokuyo laser. For my university project I mount an Hokuyo Laser on a mobile robot and I need an obstacle avoidance algorythm with ROS. I have already odometry's data available. Where can I found info about any obstacle avoidance code? I am at first experience with Ros and I have already seen in the Documentation, but I am very confused!! Help me, please! Best regards everybody!

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-11-13 02:17:56 -0500

Raptor gravatar image

You are going to want to check out move_base ( and the rest of the navigation stack (

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Asked: 2013-11-11 01:51:21 -0500

Seen: 128 times

Last updated: Nov 13 '13