question of ros gazebo velocity controller [closed]

asked 2013-10-30 07:12:09 -0500

rnunziata gravatar image

updated 2013-10-31 10:25:39 -0500

Update: It looks like these represent increases in velocity during acceleration form the teleop node.

Update: below sp=set_point, pv=process_value , er=error_value; Gx,Gy,Gz are the robots position at time of joint command state msg arrival of the robot pose in gazebo retrieved by getModel call. The x,y,z are the calculated odometry values.

The following output is from using the turtlebot_telop_keyboard feeding a node (handelerTwist) that converts velocity to joint commands for gazebo. Gazebo in turn published the joint command on the joint command state topic for use in odometry node (handelerJointControllerState). The keyboard node publishes at a rate higher then the gazebo controller. What I noticed is that only the last cmd in sequence is taken by gazebo to publish as the joint command state. Should the controller not average these out rather then publishing on the last one in its buffer.

Note: sp1 and sp2 reflex only the last vel1 and vel2 sent just before being published

19.946000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.140000]  angular.z[0.700000]
19.946000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.087500]  vel1=[2.712500]
19.956000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.120000]  angular.z[0.600000]
19.956000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.075000]  vel1=[2.325000]
19.965000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.100000]  angular.z[0.500000]
19.965000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.062500]  vel1=[1.937500]
19.976000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.080000]  angular.z[0.400000]
19.976000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.050000]  vel1=[1.550000]
19.985000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.060000]  angular.z[0.300000]
19.985000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.037500]  vel1=[1.162500]
19.995000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.040000]  angular.z[0.200000]
19.995000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.025000]  vel1=[0.775000]
20.005000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.020000]  angular.z[0.100000]
20.005000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.012500]  vel1=[0.387500]
20.015000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.000000]  angular.z[0.000000]
20.015000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[-0.000000]  vel1=[0.000000]
20.026000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.000000]  angular.z[0.000000]
20.026000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.000000]  vel1=[0.000000]
20.036000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.000000]  angular.z[0.000000]
20.036000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.000000]  vel1=[0.000000]
20.046000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.000000]  angular.z[0.000000]
20.046000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.000000]  vel1=[0.000000]
20.056000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.000000]  angular.z[0.000000]
20.056000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.000000]  vel1=[0.000000]
20.066000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.000000]  angular.z[0.000000]
20.066000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.000000]  vel1=[0.000000]
20.076000000 INFO [:309(handelerTwist) [] liner.x[0.000000]  angular.z[0.000000]
20.076000000 INFO [:310(handelerTwist) [] vel2=[0.000000]  vel1=[0.000000]
20 ...
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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by rnunziata
close date 2013-12-16 03:12:53