Interface to control Android robot
I'm designing a robot based on Android with ROS, now I can control the robot and get data from it using the command line "rostopic pub" and "rostopic echo", but how could make nicer GUI (something like "turtlebot Interactive Markers", but much more simple)?
Thanks in advance
PD. I would like to participate in the Spanish and Portuguese transalate of ROS, any information about that?
What you exactly start in your android device? And how? I know now RosAndroidApps can run a rosmaster service, but never try it. Btw, are you using Hydro rosjava?
Thanks for the response, i am ros beginner, so I would try to explain better this time: The robot runs with a RosAndroidApps and I can command the robot from a PC with Ubuntu and ROS Groovy using command as "rostopic pub COMMAND", because the RosAndriodApps have an active topic to receive orders. So, I would like to have an GUI (like SCADA) in the PC to graphically control several robots (control arrows, buttons on/off, etc...of each robot) and to show the images and measures from the robots into the PC screen, and to make some data aggregations from data reaching from differents robots. So, I need just an idea of where to begin... Thanks again