how can I make ROS STACK?
I want to build my own stack ,How can I do it ?
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I want to build my own stack ,How can I do it ?
A good place to start is going through the tutorials.
Update: To create a new stack, see this answer.
I,have read these tutorials but I cannot find any one talking about this.
Ah okay, your question was a little misleading because you were talking about "making" and "building" (i.e., compiling) a stack, but you want to create one instead. I've updated my answer.
If you are developing under ROS Groovy or newer, the idea of a "stack" has been replaced by the idea of a "metapackage". See Metapackages and the Elimination of Stacks
Metapackages are essentially "empty" packages that group related packages together through runtime dependencies (<run_depends>
You will want to learn more about catkin (the preferred build system in groovy and newer):
In particular, here is some info about metapackages:
And here is an example of a metapackage:
Asked: 2013-07-30 17:59:40 -0500
Seen: 351 times
Last updated: Aug 12 '13