How to find out if Rosmaster is running yet?
I am trying to debug a node that is supposed to publish a "shutdown message" to a topic. Since I am running rostests on my nodes, this message is supposed to get published fairly early after I launch my nodes.
Unfortunately, sometimes the message-sending happens and sometimes it doesn't. I am even using the "latch" option on my publisher (so that a subscriber can still receive a message that was sent before the subscriber started).
My current suspicion is that the Rosmaster sometimes doesn't have time to initialize. I've been hunting around for a way to check on the Master's status, but I can't seem to find it. Is there a way to make sure the Rosmaster is running?
(as an addendum: I'm not looking for a terminal command. I'm looking for some kind of code that would let my node know that rosmaster is reachable.)