Export rosbag header time stamp [closed]
Hi everyone,
I am using ROS electric. I am saving /camera/rgb/image_color topic to a bag file by using 'rosbag record' command. After that, by using rxbag tool, I can save all the images. It saves the images as frame0001.png format.
Now, my problem is, from rxbag tool, I can see the time stamp in header>stamp>secs and header>stamp>nsecs fields for each frame. How can I export this time stamps information so that I can relate the exact time of each frame, e.g frame0100.png happened in time 111 secs 211 nsecs.
I have another confusion. I guess, this is the time when the frames are created, not when the frames are saved in bag file, right?
Thanks in advance for your valuable help.
Best regards, Tariq