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Problem with Roscopter (Arducopter interface for ros)

asked 2013-05-09 05:25:18 -0600

Giona Grancheli gravatar image

updated 2014-04-20 14:09:22 -0600

ngrennan gravatar image

Hello everyone i am new to this group and ROS, and i am writing because I have a problem with the interface for the ROS arducopter and also wanted to better understand the things that I am not clear on this subject.

I'm writing my graduation thesis, and I'm working on quadrorotor automated using the ROS, in the beginning I focused on Parrot AR.Drone 2.0, but now now I'm focused dell'arducopter.

My setup is Ubuntu 12.04 and ROS Fuerte, I own an AR.Drone 2.0 but NOT own a arducopter.

The first problem is with the interface roscopter, I followed all the instructions on

but when I go to run the command:

nodes / - device = / dev/ttyUSB1 - rate = 57600 - enable-control = true

I get the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "nodes /", line 7, in <module> import roscopter.msg File "/ home / joe / fuerte_workspace / roscopter / nodes /", line 7, in <module> import roscopter.msg ImportError: No module named msg

The error is in the import roscopter.msg, and in fact inside the folder there is no msg file "roscopert.msg" I have to define it? in what way? how?

The second problem is that I have to figure out which topic should I write in order to execute the commands of TakeOff, Land, various movements etc ... For example, with the 2.0 ardrone to make a takeoff was enough to send a message "std_msgs / Empty" on the topic "/ ardrone / takeoff" with the command on the terminal of ubuntu: rostopic pub -1 / ardrone / takeoff std_msgs / Empty How does works for the roscopter?

Another thing that i want to figure is the role of MAVLink, and how does works .

Thank you very much in advance and sorry for my English

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-05-09 05:51:36 -0600

It sounds to me like you didn't quite get the package built correctly. Inside of the roscopter_base/msg/ directory, you will find all of roscopter message definitions. If rosmake successfully builds the project, it should create a roscopter_base/msg_gen/ directory, and a roscopter_base/src/roscopter/ directory. These directories actually have the necessary code to use the messages in roscpp and rospy. If you don't have those directories (or the files that are supposed to be in them), you will encounter the error that you are seeing. Try running

rosmake roscopter

to (re)generate the necessary files.

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answered 2013-05-10 03:55:28 -0600

Giona Grancheli gravatar image

Thank you so much! :) But now i get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "nodes/", line 29, in <module>
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device, baud=opts.baudrate)
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/roscopter/nodes/../mavlink/pymavlink/", line 810, in mavlink_connection
return mavserial(device, baud=baud, source_system=source_system)
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/roscopter/nodes/../mavlink/pymavlink/", line 550, in __init__
dsrdtr=False, rtscts=False, xonxoff=False)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/", line 260, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/", line 276, in open raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" % (self._port, msg))
serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port /dev/ttyUSB1: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB1'
and it's because i don't have the roscopter, and i need to know if exist an 3d simulator for arducopter in such a way as not to be obliged to buy it. The second question is, if is possible controlling the arducopter automatically, only with publishing on topic, like for the ardrone, for example, with the 2.0 ardrone to make a takeoff was enough to send a message "std_msgs / Empty" on the topic "/ ardrone / takeoff" with the command on the terminal of ubuntu: rostopic pub -1 / ardrone / takeoff std_msgs / Empty How does works for the roscopter?

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This is really not how this site works. It is not a forum. If you have more questions, I would recommend asking new, separate questions.

jarvisschultz gravatar image jarvisschultz  ( 2013-05-10 04:56:57 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-05-09 05:25:18 -0600

Seen: 1,482 times

Last updated: May 10 '13