ROS :: getting Sensor callback values in a loop [closed]
my Problem is related to obstacle detection. The robot is walking and when his Sensors (e.g. a foot bumper senser) detect something a method (changeWalkDirection) is called.
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ...
while (ros::ok()) {
ROS_INFO_STREAM("main.cpp | Sonar : Obstacle in front of the robot detected");
changeWalkDirection(subs, pubs);
inside this function the robot stops walking, and begins walking backward a few centimeters. Therefore i need the sensor data from the robot's internal xyz-sensor.
void changeWalkDirection(subscribers subs, publishers pubs, int direction = 0) {
geometry_msgs::Twist robopose;
geometry_msgs::Twist roboposeNew;
int i = 0;
geometry_msgs::Twist curr_vel, curr_vel2;
ROS_INFO_STREAM ("Obstacle detected: changeWalkDirection | start: changing walking direction");
curr_vel = subs.getCmd_vel();
pubs.pub_cmd_vel(0,0,0); // stop walking
robopose = subs.getRobotPosition(); // save current robot position
// change direction into opposite way
curr_vel.linear.x = curr_vel.linear.x * -1;
curr_vel.linear.y = curr_vel.linear.y * -1;
normalize_vel_speed(curr_vel); // normalize //FIXME necessary?
pubs.pub_cmd_vel(curr_vel); // walk backward;
while (i <= 10) { // check for 10 times new values until we stop walking backward (due to sensor noise)
roboposeNew = subs.getRobotPosition();
std::cerr << roboposeNew.linear.x <<" - " << robopose.linear.x << " y: " << roboposeNew.linear.y <<" - " << robopose.linear.y;
if ((fabs(roboposeNew.linear.x - robopose.linear.x) > 0.02) or (fabs(roboposeNew.linear.y - robopose.linear.y) > 0.02)) {
In the function above new sensor values are never received while inside the while (i <=10) loop. Therefore i tried adding a Ros::SpinOnce here. With this i get the sensor-values. But they keep changing randomly from the old and current value. At the end they always end up in the old value. - Is this regarded to the concurrency in roscpp?
How can I fix my problem to get the new sensor values inside the while(i<=10) loop?