cannot find log files
Hi all, I am not able to view the log file after a process dies (i.e. shows red color on screen)
[plan-2] process has died [pid 2803, exit code -11, cmd /home/plan __name:=plan __log:=/home/user/.ros/log/15dd5ecc-6520-11e2-b3cb-f0def116deab/plan-2.log]. log file: /home/user/.ros/log/15dd5ecc-6520-11e2-b3cb-f0def116deab/plan*.log
I cannot find plan.log in the location. However I can get the logs of roslaunch, rosout and rosmaster. Do I need to enable anything?
Hi aswin, I am facing the exact same problem, My process dies, and the developer is asking for the log file, which I cannot find. Were you able to find that file? or how didi you debug?