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Nodelet won't initialize in different manager

asked 2013-01-21 21:02:15 -0500

Scea gravatar image


I have the following problem. I've created a nodelet and it runs fine, when I load it in a manager I created just for this nodelet. However when I try to load it into different manager that is in the system, the onInit() just won't get called.

What can be the possible causes of this problem? I have a suspicion that some other nodelet under the manager has blocking onInit() is it possible? Can I somehow list which nodelets run under the given manager?

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answered 2013-01-21 21:35:59 -0500

Scea gravatar image

Problem solved. The output didn't go to the same console I started the nodelet from, but the nodelet was working.

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Asked: 2013-01-21 21:02:15 -0500

Seen: 179 times

Last updated: Jan 21 '13