rosdep and ROS dependencies
With rosdep2, I'm a bit unclear on one thing. How do you define dependencies on specific ROS stacks? (i.e. so you can have them installed for you with 'rosdep install mystack', and from binary packages if available - for example in Ubuntu)
For example, if I have a stack/package that depends on and uses voxel_grid from the navigation stack, I would put <depend package="voxel_grid"/> in my stack.xml/manifest.xml, but if I then run 'rosdep install mystack' or 'rosdep install mypackage' I get an error: mystack: Missing resource voxel_grid
I can manually remedy this by finding where this package is by using roslocate, and then either install the stack from source or simply install the ros-fuerte-navigation in ubuntu, but is there a way to automatically do that?