Turtlebot mapping with kinect [closed]
I have to develop occupancy grid map with turtlebot using kinect and fake laser.First I have launched the kinect.launch file in turtlebot_bringup package file to see the Laser Scans on Rviz
but i am seeing nothing and facing following messages on the terminal.
WARN: MessageFilter [target=/openni_depth_frame ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.rviz.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
Would be grateful for guidance please.
I have now run turtlebot , fake laser and gmapping from turtlebot_roomba_bringup successfully and i am able to see the fake laser scan line in RVIZ but nothing appears in map ??
Do you have a valid transform from /map to the kinect sensor frame?