Error with camera calibration file
Hi everybody, I got this error when running
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
what is the solution for this error ! thanks in advance.
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Hi everybody, I got this error when running
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
what is the solution for this error ! thanks in advance.
Hi salma,
Don't worry about it, the kinect still works with this error message. It is caused (I believe after working more than 2 month with the kinect) that it is due to the depth registration. But you have nothing to worry about, everything works fine evenif you have this error message.
By the way, when you post a message, you should always specify : - what version of ROS you are using - what Ubuntu you are running it on
Bests regards,
Are you using multiple Kinects? Were you restarting the openni nodes? It seems to me that either you have other nodes running with conflicting namespaces or you have run nodes previously that were not appropriately closed.
Asked: 2012-11-25 23:26:59 -0500
Seen: 134 times
Last updated: Nov 26 '12