How to set up image_proc/crop_decimate nodelet properly?
Sorry for this question but I'm newbie about ros nodelets. I'd like to use image_proc/crop_decimate to do a cropping on the rectified images. This is a rectified image:
As you can see, It has a little black border on the right and on the bottom, so I 'd like to crop it. This is my rxgraph connections:
I've tried to set cropping with the following command, but It has no effect:
rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone image_proc/crop_decimate _x_offset=1 _y_offset=1 _width=639 _height=439 /camera:=/image_rect_color
How to set image_proc/crop_decimate properly?
this is my rostopic list:
aldo@aldo-ubuntu:/opt/ros/electric/stacks/image_pipeline/image_proc$ rostopic list