Greyed out UR5 in Gazebo + Abnormal Behavior

asked 2023-07-25 14:19:20 -0500

Jacob G. gravatar image


Version of Ubuntu: 20.04
ROS2: Galactic
Kernel version: 5.15.0-76-generic

The problem:

Hey there, ROS newbie here ;-)

I am running a simulation of a UR5 arm in Gazebo, but it is not behaving as expected.

It is greyed out in the simulation, suggesting to me that something is wrong with it, as seen below: image description

When I change the value of "pose" inside Gazebo, the robot "spasses out", moving rapidly all over the place, even moving through itself in the process.

It is this "pose" I am talking about:

image description

Furthermore, even though the robot moves all over the place, when I click away from the "pose" menu and into it again, the values return to their original state. (If I changed y = 0 to y = 2, it will automatically return to y = 0.)

The same thing happens when I try manipulating the robot using a python script.

The Code

I've only done two main things:
1. Created the '.urdf' file that describes the UR5.
(Link here:
2. Created a launch file that opens Gazebo and adds said .urdf file containing the UR5 description.

So I'm wondering if I forgot to do something in order to make things work?


There are no errors in the terminal when running the code. However, if I terminate using CRTL+C I get the following error:

[ERROR] [gzserver-1]: process has died [pid 7568, exit code -2, cmd 'gzserver                                                                       -s   -s   -s       '].
[ERROR] [gzclient   -2]: process has died [pid 7570, exit code -2, cmd 'gzclient   '].

I'm not sure if this is helpful.

Additional comments

I've also tried setting up a Gazebo+UR simulation in ROS Noetic, and what seems to be the exact same problem occures.
(I am not currently sourcing any other version of ROS that Galactic)

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