ros2 pkg create ... --dependencies option doesn't function

asked 2023-07-21 03:13:40 -0500

I am trying to pre-include the package dependencies known before hand with the command:

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python my_ros_pkg --dependencies geometry_msgs

However searching for the dependencies for the newly created package don't seem to exist:

vscode ➜ .../ros/humble/rfp_ws/src $ grep -riF geometry_msgs my_ros_py_pkg/
vscode ➜ .../ros/humble/rfp_ws/src $ grep -ri geometry_msgs my_ros_py_pkg/
vscode ➜ .../ros/humble/rfp_ws/src $

I'm using a DevContainer/Docker'ized develop environment using ROS Humble:

vscode ➜ .../ros/humble/rfp_ws/src $ env | grep ROS

What did I do wrong?


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