slam_toolbox + LD19 LIDAR

asked 2023-07-17 12:49:07 -0500

I recently purchased the LIDAR LD19. I managed to configure it and it is working fine, presenting the data in the RVIZ (LaserScan).

The LIDAR node is configured as described at:

My question is: I would like to make a SLAM process and for that I am using the slam_toolbox framework (ROS2 Humble). I set up slam_toolbox following a tutorial and apparently managed to subscribe to the /ldlidar_node/scan thread.

To configure slam_toolbox I used the yaml file described at:

I opened RVIZ2, activated the map. I added the map topic, but I can't generate the map (SLAM) at all. The funny thing is that apparently ldlidar_node is being processed by slam_toolbox. But the map is not generated.

Could you let me know if LD-19 Lidar is compatible with ROS2 slam_toolbox? Is there any other framework, compatible, that I can generate the SLAM?

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