rosservice call error
I followed this tutorial and configure the service and the c++ code (and make it). At the end I could not call the service by:
rosservice call /ExecuteCartesianIKTrajectory -- "{header: { frame_id: /base_link}, poses: [{position: [0.76, -0.19, 0.83], orientation:[0.02, -0.09, 0.0, 1.0]}, {position: [0.59, -0.36, 0.93], orientation: [0.65, -0.21, .38, .62]}]}"
I received:
ERROR: Service [/ExecuteCartesianIKTrajectory] is not available.
But I can do:
rossrv show ik_trajectory_tutorial/ExecuteCartesianIKTrajectory
What am I doing wrong?