Can I run ros2_control_demos on ROS2 Humble?

asked 2023-02-27 14:00:53 -0500

nxsgis gravatar image


I'm running ROS2 Humble with a UR10e cobot. I tried building and installing the control demos as they were linked in the UR10e ROS2 driver github ( and was unable to correctly build. In the section "Example Commands for Testing the Driver," it doesn't seem like I have the ros2_control_demos package installed from the UR10e package, nor do the commands sent in the description under "2. Sending commands to controllers" cause an output when I am connected to the robot with the joint state publisher working correctly (I can drive it through RVIZ).

Looking at the build status, the latest build is for Foxy. Am I just unable to use these packages? Should I downgrade to Foxy?

Thank you,

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