MoveIt planned path visualisation

asked 2023-01-10 10:05:45 -0600

NotARobot gravatar image

TL;dr What is the most straight forward way to visualize a path planned by moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::computeCartesianPath() in RViz?

Greetings. Due to me having problems with paths planned by moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::computeCartesianPath() I figured that I would like to visualize the planned paths via RViz. Unfortunately, the documentation of MoveIt in ROS Foxy is lacking an easy way to visualize the paths planned via the aforementioned function.

So far I've installed moveit_visual_tools, however the functions supplied are not easily usable since the expected data types mismatch (e.g. moveit_msgs::msg::RobotTrajectory vs moveit_msgs::msg::DisplayTrajectory). These types are also not easily convertible into each other, as far as I can see, since the documentation of the api is all over the place.

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