How to pass arguments to a launch file inside a capability provider
In my system, there is a single launch file that calls a lot of other launch files (responsible for the robot's features) and passes arguments to them. I've been trying to call all these launch files with ros capabilities, instead of a single launch file. But I don't know how to pass all the necessary arguments to my launches whenever a call them by means of a capability provider. Here is an example of how I call one of the launches:
<include if="$(arg enable_my_launch)" ns="$(arg slam_namespace)" file="$(find my_folder)/launch/my_launch.launch"> <arg name="respawn" value="$(arg respawn)"/> <arg name="respawn_delay" value="$(arg respawn_delay)"/> <arg name="output" value="$(arg output)"/>
<arg name="front_depth_camera_name" value="$(arg front_depth_camera_name)" />
<arg name="enable_rtabmap" value="true" />
<arg name="odom_frame_id" value="$(arg odom_frame_id)" />
<arg name="map_frame_id" value="$(arg map_frame_id)" />
Could somebody help me, please, to pass these arguments via the capability provider?