easy handye result not matching with tf publish
Hi, I did an eye-on-base calibration using easyhand eye calibration. However, I am not sure why the two results are coming different
Below is my yaml
eye_on_hand: false
freehand_robot_movement: false
move_group: xarm6
move_group_namespace: /
namespace: /my_eob_calib_eye_on_base/
robot_base_frame: link_base
robot_effector_frame: link_eef
tracking_base_frame: camera_color_optical_frame
tracking_marker_frame: camera_marker
qw: 0.03691849150074109
qx: -0.021471634269781114
qy: -0.7100192117606726
qz: 0.7028859885058515
x: 0.22080579799551825
y: 1.9530447157926458
z: 1.0404342264702213
Below is rosrun tf tf_echo camera_color_optical_frame link_base
At time 0.000
- Translation: [0.027, 1.024, 1.979]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.016, 0.712, -0.700, 0.046]
in RPY (radian) [-1.586, 0.088, -3.101]
in RPY (degree) [-90.870, 5.022, -177.659]