/visp_auto_tracker/object_position is wrong

asked 2022-10-05 06:25:26 -0500

alperenkeser gravatar image

updated 2022-12-22 03:23:34 -0500

I am trying to create a docking algorithm on simulation and in order to do so I am using visp_auto_tracker package.

I can detect a QR code without any problem but the pose of the QR code on the map is wrong. When I add Pose on rviz and choose the topic /visp_auto_tracker/object_position, the Pose displays always on the same spot and this pose changes only if I change tracker_ref_frame value on node.cpp file (/visp_auto_tracker/src/node.cpp) to some other frame like "odom" or "camera_link".

Then the pose is stuck on those frames.

How could I correct this pose (type is PoseStamped) value ?

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