Is it possible to avoid the motion of a particular joint in planned path in Moveit?

asked 2022-06-29 14:04:11 -0500

ash33 gravatar image

I am pretty new to Moveit and couldn't find the solution that would solve my question. I am using ROS Noetic and Moveit1.

I created a Moveit package for my custom robot using the Moveit assistant (following the tutorials) and was working on motion planning for collision avoidance with static objects. I would like to avoid the motion of a particular joint (say A1 joint) if the goal location is achievable without moving that joint( though it may not be the most optimal path). Only in the case of goal positions that are not reachable without the motion of the A1 joint, it's okay to move it.

Is there a way to prioritize the joints in Moveit for motion planning? Can we make certain joint movement more expensive than others? Any hints or points that would solve my question is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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