ros_arduino_bridge on Noetic

asked 2021-12-31 00:17:52 -0500

questrov gravatar image

updated 2022-01-04 03:30:04 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

Anyone have ros_arduino_bridge working on Noetic? Was working off the github page and didn't realize it was dated. Made it thru the nicely written Wiki up to launching the ros_arduino_python Node before getting an RLException error. Seems like Noetic doesn't like my yaml config file an/or I'm doing something wrong:-(

Bummer, have some of the other bits working (BNO055, RPLidar-A1, USB camera) for a bot running on ROS (Pi3 & work station Ubuntu 20.04/Noetic) that could eventually/hopefully map and become autonomous. Need something simple for a L298 motor driver, diode encoders and cheap TT Motors hanging off an Arduino...

LException: error loading <rosparam> tag: 
    file /home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/ros_arduino_bridge/ros_arduino_python/config/my_arduino_params.yaml contains invalid YAML:
while parsing a block mapping
  in "<unicode string>", line 6, column 1:
    port: /dev/ttyACM0
expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'
  in "<unicode string>", line 26, column 2:
     === PID parameters
XML is <rosparam file="$(find ros_arduino_python)/config/my_arduino_params.yaml" command="load"/>
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

Sorry, can't upload the log file, need 5 points first:-/ Obviously just getting to the steep part of the ROS learning curve!

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This looks more like a YAML formatting problem than anything to do with Noetic compatibility.

I'd suggest to check your .yaml using some other YAML parser (perhaps one of those websites which parse it for you) and see whether it's properly formatted.

Just because a package hasn't been released for a particular ROS version or the repository doesn't have a branch for a specific ROS version does not mean it's incompatible with it.

Sorry, can't upload the log file, need 5 points first

ROS Answers does not support attaching anything but images, so even with 5 points that would not have worked (it's very unlikely there's something interesting in that log anyway).

Seems like Noetic doesn't like my yaml config file

To clarify: from the looks of it, this is a Python / YAML parsing problem, not a "ROS problem". You can ...(more)

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2022-01-04 03:32:18 -0500 )edit
expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'
  in "<unicode string>", line 26, column 2:
     === PID parameters

did you perhaps remove the # in front of === PID parameters? That's supposed to be a comment, but the parser seems to try and parse it anyway.

The original file has that line start with a #.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2022-01-04 03:36:44 -0500 )edit