Set-up of Development environment

asked 2021-05-29 01:15:21 -0500

JackHarper.Skycrew gravatar image

Hi guys, I need some advise on how to set-up the development environment properly. What I'm using is very similar to a TurtleBot, but with all self-designed and 3D-printed parts. Currently I lack the understanding, of how to best compile and download new programs to the OpenCR board.

Well, it's complicated to explain. What I mean is, how do I download programs I have written/modified into the OpenCR, which is connected to my raspberry pi, which is inside the mobile platform? I'm developing on my laptop and only have ssh connection to my raspberry pi via WiFi. Before I had it on the bench and was connected directly via USB and downloaded directly from the Arduino IDE (or other better IDE). Also what I have done before is programming on my laptop, then sending files via scp to the raspberry pi and execute them for ROS development and nodes / packages that run on the pi.

But there clearly has to be a better way to do this ?!

Following setup:

2x Dynamixel XM430-W350-T
1x OpenCR board (via USB to raspberry pi)
1x Raspberry pi 4b

Just barebones for now, so I can set-up my development environment.

Later I add (which I already have mounted but not in use yet)

Ultrasonic module
Intel Realsense D455
RPLidar A1
Nintendo Switch running Ubuntu as remote control and for live video

Please let me know how you guys develop. Remotely on the Pi? Or on the Laptop and then transfer files, downloading through the Pi into the OpenCR, or Download directly via USB to OpenCR everytime you change something?

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