how to transform position from one point of a frame to another frame.
What is the best way to transform a point that is in the "camera_frame" frame to the "map" frame using only TF and python. I would like the last available transformation to be used.
Example of the position I want to convert to the map frame:
pose_in_the_camera_frame = PoseStamped()
pose_in_the_camera_frame.header.frame_id = "camera_frame"
pose_in_the_camera_frame.header.stamp =
pose_in_the_camera_frame.pose.position.x = 1
pose_in_the_camera_frame.pose.position.y = 1
pose_in_the_camera_frame.pose.orientation.z = 0
pose_in_the_camera_frame.pose.orientation.w = 1
I saw something about "listener.waitForTransform", "listener.lookupTransform" and "listener.transformPose", but I'm not sure how to use the latest available transformation between "camera frame" and "map"