One `.deb` file for multiple ROS packages which depend on one another

asked 2021-02-19 07:07:08 -0600

jdcarp gravatar image

I understand bloom-generate can release __one__ ROS package as __one__ .deb file, as shown in this post. I have several private ROS packages that are dependent on one another. For example:

Package A: depends on B, C
Package B: depends on C
Package C: no internal package dependencies

I can build all packages with catkin_make install, and the install targets are correctly placed in catkin_ws/install. __How can I "release" these packages as a single (or multiple) .deb files?__

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I notice it is possible use checkinstall to generate a deb file and deploy all your packages at once. But i'm having problems to generate de deb file, somebody has any doc about this?

GL gravatar image GL  ( 2023-01-17 08:53:06 -0600 )edit