Can you install Noetic with Docker on a Raspberry Pi?
I have installed (well, actually build and run a container) Kinetic and also ROS2 eloquent with docker on my raspberry pi. I am trying to do the same with Noetic but failing. Is it possible to have a Noetic container in RPi?
(For reference I write here other info)
- I have build and run a Noetic container in a desktop ubuntu machine
- I have read that you can install Noetic on a RPi natively
- I have failed doing the following:
$docker pull ros:noetic
No problem here
$docker image ls
I can see the image
$docker run -it ros:noetic
Fatal Python error: pyinit_main: can't initialize time
Python runtime state: core initialized
PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted
Current thread 0xb6ff1460 (most recent call first):
<no Python frame>
Could you give more details on your setup:
Can you clarify which images you built yourself vs pulled directly from dockerhub ? and why you needed to build them as opposed to using the ones upstream?
For an additional datapoint, I have a RPi 4B+ running ubuntu server 20.04 64bits and it successfully runs
containers out-of-the-box...same problem here on a Pi 3B+ and latest Hypriot
Got the image via:
docker pull arm32v7/ros:noetic-ros-base