AWS Robomaker - Setup of OpenManipulator/Turtlebot

asked 2020-06-25 09:34:48 -0500

Hi there, I would like to use AWS robomaker for a project. However, while I managed to setup the Turtlebot itself with the ROS 2 configuration, I did not manage to add the OpenManipulator as well.

The documentation of OpenManipulator says, I need to get these packages: $ git clone

$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone

and then for the combination with the turtlebot, I need these ones:

$ git clone
$ git clone

However, in Amazon AWS, there is no single src folder. The file structure in AWS looks basically like this: - robot_ws with src folder - simulation_ws with src folder - roboMakerSettings.json

In the robomaker settings json file, I need to specify the package name and the launch file name for the robot application as well as for the simulation.

My question is: - Which packages belong into robot_ws & which into simulation_ws? - What is the package name & launch file for the robot application and for the simulation that I can add into the RoboMakerSettings.json?

I don't have any prior experience with Robomaker before and also not very experienced with ROS itself. It would be great if someone has an idea regarding this issue. My goal is that I can see the Turtlebot with the arm in Amazon AWS and see it in their Gazebo engine.

Thank you in advance.

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