How can I get the same map size for all SLAM algorithms?
Which TurtleBot3 you have?
- [x ] Waffle
Which ROS is working with TurtleBot3?
- [ x] ROS 1 Kinetic Kame
Which SBC(Single Board Computer) is working on TurtleBot3?
- [ x] Raspberry Pi 3
Which OS you installed in SBC?
- [ x] Ubuntu MATE 16.04 or later
Which OS you installed in Remote PC?
- [ x] Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
I 'm currently trying to compare the maps of SLAM algorithms for Alignment, Therefor The SLAM maps size must be the same to get meaningful results. If I use the following generated SLAM card for the comparison, the comparison would not be reliable. I have tried to create maps of the gazebo Environment with the following SLAM Algorithms (gmapping, hector, karto and cartographer) on TB3 waffle. I got very different map size of the generated SLAM maps. Although resolution value is 0.05 for all SLAM algorithms. here the size of SLAM maps:
SLAM |Gmapping SLAM | Hector SLAM | karto SLAM | Cartographer
----------- | ------------ | ------------| -------- | ---------------
Width | 384 | 2048 | 71 | 61
Height | 384 | 2048 | 82 | 99
Gmapping map:
Hector SLAM map: Karto SLAM map |
Cartocrapher SLAM
how can I get the same Maps size of all SLAM algorithms. for example like this
I have used a Image editor such as ImageMagik to resize the maps, but it has bad impact on the shape of the Environment.
I have used the following gazebo environment for each SALM.
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo navibot.launch
- roslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam slam_methods:=gmapping
- roslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam slam_methods:=hector
- roslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam slam_methods:=karto
- roslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam slam_methods:=cartographer
I hope you can help me :)