Unable to create IKFast solution cpp file.

asked 2020-04-30 05:18:05 -0600

Hey, I hope you guys are doing well! I am trying to create an IKFast solution cpp file by following this documentation . If successful, I will be able to generate an IKFast plugin for my simple 5 DOF robotic arm.

Output of openrave-robot.py "$MYROBOT_NAME".dae --info links command:

name          index parents      
world         0                  
base          1     world        
base_link     2     base         
shoulder_link 3     base_link    
elbow_link    4     shoulder_link
wrist1_link   5     elbow_link   
wrist2_link   6     wrist1_link  
eef_link      7     wrist2_link  
g1_link       8     eef_link     
g2_link       9     eef_link     
name          index parents

IKFAST_PRECISION is set to 4, IK Type used is TranslationDirection5D, BASE_LINK ia 2 and EEF_LINK is 7. When I tried to generate IK Solver using following command :

python `openrave-config --python-dir`/openravepy/_openravepy_/ikfast.py --robot="$MYROBOT_NAME".dae --iktype=TranslationDirection5D --baselink="$BASE_LINK" --eelink="$EEF_LINK" --savefile="$IKFAST_OUTPUT_PATH"

I got output which has warnings like:

  • equation too complex to simplify for rot norm
  • raghavan roth equation (11,0) too complex
  • raghavan roth equation (12,0) too complex
  • raghavan roth equation (13,0) too complex
  • could not find any variable where number of equations is exacty 8, trying all possibilities

I don't know exactly if there is something wrong with the above parameter values I used or something else. My laptop froze after below output is shown on my terminal. I would really appreciate someone's advice/guidance on this. Thanks.

Full output:

[plugindatabase.h:645 Create] Failed to create name fcl_, interface collisionchecker
INFO: moved translation [0, 0, 7038*625000001**(1/2)/3125000005] to right end
INFO: moved translation [0, 0, 73/1000] to left end
INFO: moved translation on intersecting axis [0, 0, 103/10000] to left
INFO: [[1, 0, 0, 0],[0, 50000*2500000001**(1/2)/2500000001, -2500000001**(1/2)/2500000001, -73*2500000001**(1/2)/2500000001000],[0, 2500000001**(1/2)/2500000001, 50000*2500000001**(1/2)/2500000001, 3650*2500000001**(1/2)/2500000001 + 17/125]]
INFO: [[cos(j0), -sin(j0), 0, 0],[sin(j0), cos(j0), 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 0]]
INFO: [[-125000000*109971375452419601**(1/2)/109971375452419601, 0, -307158551*109971375452419601**(1/2)/109971375452419601, -5682661/100000000],[-307158551*109971375452419601**(1/2)/109971375452419601, 0, 125000000*109971375452419601**(1/2)/109971375452419601, -10000000/58408319],[0, 1, 0, 0]]
INFO: [[cos(j1), -sin(j1), 0, 0],[sin(j1), cos(j1), 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 0]]
INFO: [[99997*10000008409**(1/2)/10000008409, 780*10000008409**(1/2)/10000008409, 0, 66299/20000000],[-780*10000008409**(1/2)/10000008409, 99997*10000008409**(1/2)/10000008409, 0, 4000000/9412051],[0, 0, 1, 103/10000]]
INFO: [[cos(j2), -sin(j2), 0, 0],[sin(j2), cos(j2), 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 0]]
INFO: [[-75448000000*8717400704871737801561**(1/2)/8717400704871737801561, 55000000000*8717400704871737801561**(1/2)/8717400704871737801561, 933669*8717400704871737801561**(1/2)/8717400704871737801561, 2740009/25000000],[6875*136209386**(1/2)/136209386, 9431*136209386**(1/2)/136209386, 0, 37636653/100000000],[-8805432339*1187391797526546614703613651546**(1/2)/1187391797526546614703613651546, 6418974375*1187391797526546614703613651546**(1/2)/1187391797526546614703613651546, -8000000*1187391797526546614703613651546**(1/2)/8717400704871737801561, 0]]
INFO: [[cos(j3), -sin(j3), 0, 0],[sin(j3), cos(j3), 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 0]]
INFO: [[0, 625000001**(1/2)/625000001, -25000*625000001**(1/2)/625000001, 24999437/6250000010000],[0, 25000 ...
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I have the same issue.

raghava13 gravatar image raghava13  ( 2021-02-14 14:36:32 -0600 )edit

Go through this : http://wiki.ros.org/Industrial/Tutori... . And, I think above warnings might be occurring as the analytical solver come across singularities while solving.

Anubhav Singh gravatar image Anubhav Singh  ( 2021-08-09 00:14:35 -0600 )edit