Gmapping in Rviz with Turtlebot
Hi everyone,
I am trying to work on the tutorial provided for gmapping with the Turtlbot and am having some difficulties. I am only getting a blank background when running
rosrun rviz rviz -d rospack find turtlebot_navigation
I have posted a screenshot that contains both my rviz screen and my terminal running the gmap demo. The camera is showing the map+obstacle data as shown in my second screenshot.Screenshot-2.png
I have played a bit with the map settings and the background/grid to try and get something but to no avail. Any ideas?
Try changing the target_frame to something besides the fixed frame that is attached to the robot, such as base_link or base_footprint.
If the above suggestion does not work, the camera may still not be pointing in the correct. If you are using Fuerte, you can hit the zero button in the Views window. In Electric, I typically zoom out completely (right clicked + drag down), realign (both clicked + drag), zoom in (left clicked + drag)