How to set pin domain(current or voltage) of UR robot with ur_msgs
Hi, I am currently working with a UR10 robot and i want to set the pin mode or domain as it is called to voltage instead of current for the analog output pins. In the ur_msgs/Analog documentation you can see that the Analog message has a pin and a domain which sets the pin mode to either voltage or current. This is not included in the ur_msgs/setIO service of the Universal_robot_driver far as i could see. Am i correct in this or am i not looking at it correctly? If this is not implemented, would it be a good idea to write a program to sets up a temporary socket connetion to the UR robot to force the pin mode/domain to voltage? Would ROS reset this when i would write a value to that pin with the ur_msgs/setIO service?
p.s. i am only talking about the Analog outputs of the UR10