Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed [closed]

asked 2019-10-31 02:24:20 -0500

Error 2 make[1]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs.... [ 56%] Linking CXX executable /home/trinity/catkin_ws/devel/lib/visp_ros/visp_ros_biclops_node [ 56%] Linking CXX executable /home/trinity/catkin_ws/devel/lib/visp_ros/visp_ros_viper650_node [ 56%] Linking CXX executable /home/trinity/catkin_ws/devel/lib/visp_ros/visp_ros_afma6_node [ 56%] Built target visp_ros_afma6_node [ 56%] Built target visp_ros_biclops_node [ 56%] Built target visp_ros_viper650_node Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed make: * [all] Error 2 Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by avinashsen707
close date 2020-09-30 03:16:09.062016


Please edit your question as I think the actual error has been truncated; use the preformatted text button (the 101010 button on the toolbar) to display the error message as is.

KenYN gravatar image KenYN  ( 2019-10-31 20:56:05 -0500 )edit

let me try

avinashsen707 gravatar image avinashsen707  ( 2019-11-01 23:57:23 -0500 )edit