ROS2 Run __params not affecting node
I'm running on D and E, neither can I get my read in parameter file to affect the node, ei
ros2 run slam_toolbox localization_slam_toolbox_node __params:=install/slam_toolbox/share/config/mapper_params_localization.yaml
and a more simple example:
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp parameter_blackboard __params:=install/slam_toolbox/share/config/mapper_params_localization.yaml
For the blackboard example I directly copied the example from the tutorials page into that config file:
some_int: 42
a_string: "Hello world"
some_integers: [1, 2, 3, 4]
some_doubles : [3.14, 2.718]
and for the slam_toolbox example, a simple minimum look at a single parameter:
solver_plugin: blahblah::FakePluginFailToLoadPlz
When I run the blackboard demo, it crashes if I give it a bad file path, but my node doesnt, but still fails to have anything from it included.
Any thoughts? It seems like none of the ROS2 nodes I have will accept any comandline params, but when I do
on the blackboard, that will take fine. My other node again produces no errors even if this namespace is invalid and just doesn't take.
I am declaring my parameters:
std::string solver_plugin = std::string("solver_plugins::CeresSolver");
solver_plugin = this->declare_parameter("solver_plugin", solver_plugin);
I'm seeing though the 1 random param in blackboard (use_sim_time, with all nodes) will work if I set it in the file, but not reading the others in the file at all.