Possible bug found in WritingServiceClient(C++) tutorial
I believe I found a possible bug in the WritingServiceClient(C++) tutorial. I was unable to get this tutorial, to successfully build in catkin_make
, until I went into the AddTwoInts.srv file created here, and edited the contents to be
int64 a
int64 b
int64 sum
instead of the default file
int64 A
int64 B
int64 Sum
Took me forever to figure out what was wrong. I am sure this is frustrating many people who are going through the tutorials.
Thanks, -Scott
can you clarify where you got the "default file" from?
Note that there is an example
file shown at the beginning of the tutorial which does appear to have uppercase field names like you show. But it clearly states:The file shown later (here) has the correct lower-case fieldnames.
The sources in the repository also have the correct lower-case fieldnames (here).