canopen_motor_node not sending position commands
Hy there,
I already adressed my issue in this question but the track of the question was lost.
I successfully setup a canopen communication with a igus-dryve motorcontroller with the ros_canopen package. Calling the service /driver/init results in having the joint_state_controller and the position_controller loaded by the controller manager (both running by checking list_controllers service). The motorcontroller-axis does 2 klick-sounds.
Following the terminal output:
INFO] [1563888510.915229736]: Initializing XXX
[ INFO] [1563888510.915637125]: Current state: 1 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1563888510.915873954]: Current state: 2 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
Loaded joint_state_controller
Loaded lifter_joint_position_controller
Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully
Started ['lifter_joint_position_controller'] successfully
[lifter_ros/controller-4] process has finished cleanly
the communication between the USBCanmodule1 and the igus-dryve keeps alive, this has been proofed by checking the candump can0:
can0 602 [8] 40 61 60 00 00 00 00 00
can0 582 [8] 4F 61 60 00 01 00 00 00
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 080 [0]
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 77F [1] 05
can0 602 [8] 40 61 60 00 00 00 00 00
can0 582 [8] 4F 61 60 00 01 00 00 00
When I now publish a positioning command rostopic pub /lifter_ros/lifter_joint_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 1.0"
no changes on the candump appear, so i suppose that the command piped over the joint_position_controller does not get forwarded by the canopen_motor_node.
Calling /halt, /shutdown and /recover works as well fine. I checked my EDS file with CANeds and got 1 warning: (I don't think this could be the problem)
warning 1000: Object [6098]: Default value differs from selected database (have to be in the range of according data type).
Does anybody have an idea how I could debug this issue or how I could check where problem is in my configuration?
Thank you so much!
Ps. I would also like to turn this example into a tutorial